Social Media Management
Social media has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, from how we do business to the way we interact with family members, acquaintances, and friends. If you're an owner of a company, you can no longer afford to ignore its staggering potential.
It can be challenging to the nth degree to establish a loyal and dedicated social media following. That's precisely why so many companies outsource their social media marketing to experts. At Karben Marketing, we have the cutting-edge tools, strategies, and techniques that can be a real game-changer when it comes to establishing a robust social media presence.

What We Do
Our social media services can help you open a new and illustrious chapter in your company’s history. This can utterly transform its visibility and greatly enhance your success in the digital universe.
We provide social media marketing for first-time entrepreneurs just starting their social media journey and for long-time business owners who want to maximize their impact on social networking sites.
We can teach you and your team the fundamentals of social media management, or we can take over your social media channels. Whatever works best for your enterprise, we're here to help.
Key Benefits to Social Media Marketing
If you’re a proud business owner but still don’t use social media marketing, what are you waiting for?
From Cape Alava in northwestern Washington state to West Quoddy Head in Maine, millions of people all over the country use social media to purchase goods and services, interact with family and friends, and stay up to date with news and current events.
One of the biggest reasons for the extraordinary effectiveness of social media marketing is that individuals spend over two and a half hours on social platforms daily. This means that you have an opportunity to engage with prospects (who might buy what you’re selling) for nearly three hours in every twenty-four-hour period.
Not leveraging the immense power of social media to tap into this massive audience is like turning your back on bucketloads of cash.
Here are just a few of the astonishing benefits of social media:
A consistent, attractive, up-to-date presence
When anyone lands on your page, you want it to look current, and you want your posts to show you off as the brilliant expert that you are. For this outcome, you need timely, relevant updates posted on your social media page(s) at least several times each week.
Increased awareness of your brand
You want your target audience to know your company's name and think of you when they need your products or services. You want to be regarded as the expert and thought leader in your industry. In addition to content development and posting on multiple platforms, you want daily “social outreach,” where our account manager is proactively engaging with followers and your target audience.
Stronger Relationships with Your Current Community
Your relationship with your network means the world to you, and you want to keep those connections strong. Cultivating meaningful relationships requires regular and proactive communication.
Community Growth
Your current followers are not enough. You want a larger audience to connect with, but they need to be the right people. To grow your followers, fans, and connections, you must perform persistent attention-getting tasks.
Website Traffic
A thriving social media presence is great, but you have much more control over content and sales on you website. You want to drive traffic from your social platforms to your website. Driving traffic to your website requires a deliberate approach, including useful, relevant, compelling content and thoughtful timing.
Precise Audience Segmentation
Social media allows for precise targeting of the audience segment you're going after. Before the advent of social platforms, it was difficult for companies to figure out if their marketing messages reached the right audience.
With social media, you can break down your target audience at a granular level based on characteristics such as geographic location, demographic information, and behavioral habits. This makes it easier to create marketing materials precisely targeted to the needs of an ultra-specific audience. You can also use hashtags to attract customers looking for what you have to offer.
Social Media Management
We offer several social media marketing packages, all of which incorporate time dedicated to social network building, content research, regular social updates, and monitoring of performance matrices. These components facilitate the primary function of a social media marketing program - communicate, connect, collaborate, and collect.
If you prefer to do your own social media marketing, we offer one-on-one training at $150/hr. If you would like a consultant to be on-site, please provide all travel expenses and arrangement.
Custom Campaigns
There are various situations where a custom campaign is necessary. For example, special product promotions, contests or events. These plans are quoted based on the complexity and project requirements.
What It Takes to Succeed with Social Media Marketing
If you're planning on using social media to be more successful in business, you'll need to do more than occasionally post on Facebook.
There are so many actions you must undertake if you want your social media marketing to be a resounding success. For example, you'll need to understand precisely what makes your target audience tick and then find ways to forge meaningful relationships with them on social media channels. You must create high-quality content that your customers find valuable, which will keep your business top of mind while increasing the number of customers you can reach.
You'll need to decide which social media channels will give you the biggest bang for the buck and which influencers to follow.
If you don't have the time, inclination, or energy to do all this and more, consider outsourcing it to the experts at Karben. We’ll use our keen expertise to help you boost profits by effectively using social media to market your goods and services.